

Hot Stone massage has been used for thousands of years for harmonizing, cleansing and relaxing the body at its deepest level.Used to complement a Swedish Massage, Hot stones are placed on specific energy points to help relax and dissolve stress, drawing excess hyper-energy away from over-stimulated areas and bringing new energy to depleted zones.


Great for men or persons involved in intensive sport training and exercise.This deep tissue massage utilizes medium to heavy pressure and is an intense form of a massage that releases chronic patterns of tension in the body. It is aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscles and connective tissue. Due to the release of toxins during this massage, you may post treatment discomfort that normally subsides after a few days.


A gold star service — this 45-60- minute massage incorporates a number of diverse techniques. You will be able to experience relaxation while having the therapist focus on any specific target areas. Whether it is a migraine headache, or just a deeply seated knot that keeps bothering you, you can tell the therapist what needs to be worked on, and they will make sure that problem is addressed in the best way possible.


Add: Booster Post Therapy Red Light Laser Therapy for pain reduction Starting at $99.00 Per area (20 minutes).

You and your partner can relax in the exclusivity of our specialty treatment VIP cabin, inclusive of infrared sauna while giving into your choices of massage.


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